“Welcome! You are now tuned in to the frequency of palliative care and end-of-life issues.
The 'The Journey Podcast' explores dying well in this modern world and the healing of anything getting in the way of this.
The illness may take your life from this earth in the end, but it doesn't have to take your comfort along the way. Palliative care is about the healing of symptoms as you journey through dying or healing of a disease process. Some people live for years with a "terminal" illness. Why suffer along the way?
The show is not about the outcome of the illness, but about the journey along the way... about engaging with and living with 'what is,' in the day we are in as authentically and empowered as possible.
About the Host: Deanna Cochran RN. See more at http://www.caredoulaeducation.com/
2005-current©DeannaCochran. for education purposes only. Permission to reproduce any material must be granted by the author of the material which means directly by Deanna Cochran AND the guest of that show.